Help & FAQs

Is there a limit to the number of entries I can submit?

No – you can submit an unlimited amount of entries in multiple categories. We even offer discounts for multiple entries. Please get in touch to find out more about multiple entry discounts on

How do I enter?

To submit an entry, please download the entry form, complete and upload (as a word or PDF document) when prompted via the online entry portal.

Is there a word limit?

All entries must not exceed 1000 words. The word count does not include the company information at the start of the form or the questions already within the form.

What supporting materials can I provide?

Supporting materials can be provided in Word, PDF or JPEG formats. Zip Files and videos cannot be accepted. If you wish to use video evidence as supporting material, please include a link to the file online in your entry form under ‘supporting documents’.

Is there a file upload limit?

All files must not exceed 2MB each. You can upload up to three supporting documents, along with your entry form.

Need advice?

If you need further advice, please contact and one of the team will be able to help with your enquiry.

Who is judging the awards?

The awards are judged by an esteemed panel of industry leaders and experts, the judging is a rigorous two-stage process including pre-scoring to determine shortlists and a judging meeting where entries are discussed and evaluated in detail to decide the winning entries.